It’s the end of the world as we know it…
Is there anybody out there? We don’t even know if anyone will read Language Insight’s latest blog post, as today (December 21st) could mark the end of the world! At least, that’s what the ancient...
View ArticleNamed and shamed: top mistranslations of 2012
2012 was the year the world didn’t end. All the chaos and worry was down to one of 2012s top mistranslations! The mistranslation of the Mayan Long Count calendar resulted in people across the globe...
View Article2013 gets off to a cold start
The forecast for the UK next week is snow, snow and more snow. As the cold weather rolls in, Language Insight has decided to cheer itself up by sharing a couple of hilarious winter-related examples of...
View ArticleMistranslation sends the wrong message
When it comes to mistranslation, signs prove to be a particular stumbling block. Maybe it’s because their function is to provide people with information, while the fact they are often in public spaces...
View ArticleNot Wanted: A Woman to Give Birth to a Neanderthal
A scientist’s comments on the possibility of cloning a Neanderthal were definitely lost in translation last week, when he was quoted as saying he was looking for an “adventurous woman” to give birth to...
View ArticleMistranslations That Have Changed the World
Mistranslations are not just embarrassing – it’s the type of mistake that has the power to change world history, as a new book reveals. Found in Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives and...
View ArticleOoh La La: Quiche Gets Lost in Translation
Is there anything more delicious than a little bite of quiche? Certainly, at a glamorous house party, the hosts know they are going to make a good impression on their guests if they lay out platters of...
View ArticleWere Danish MP’s comments lost in translation?
A Danish MP who appeared to label traditional Māori customs “grotesque” has now claimed her words were lost in translation. Marie Krarup is a member of the Danish People’s Party and was visiting New...
View Article‘Fukuppy’ the Japanese refrigerator mascot lost in translation
The Japanese tradition of having a cute corporate mascot went somewhat awry this week when a new character got lost in translation. Fukushima Industries makes refrigerators and freezers – and has...
View ArticleTattoos: the most permanent of translation mishaps
Tattoos have never been so popular and hardly a week passes without some celebrity showing off their latest inking. However, one wrong stroke and you end up with a tattoo translation mishap. It’s a...
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